Tuesday Trends

XR explained in 5 minutes and robotic muscles

October 27, 2021

Happy Wednesday,

My daughter came back Covid positive. Life has been crazy to say the least, hence the Wednesday post. She's ok, very mild symptoms, and so far my son hasn't caught it from her, which seems nothing short of miraculous. Mostly it's just been hard to juggle the kids, quarantine, and work — but we're alive, and mostly healthy.

Also, I found a really cool newsletter curation tool that sends you new, interesting newsletters to subscribe to based on your interests. Check them out: the sample

XR explained in 5 minutes

The full post: XR explained in 5 minutes

I look into the robot’s bright eyes and reach out to grab its hands. And then we’re whirling around the room, dancing. I grin and sway. Giving the robot a little spin it twirls around and I follow. For a moment my brain is convinced by the illusion in front of my eyes. I am there, dancing with the robot. I burst out in laughter as the robot and I dance. My wife comes scrambling in to check on the commotion. Her disembodied voice pulls me out of the colorful wonderland of virtual reality. I’m back to real life, in my living room, the illusion temporarily broken.

That’s the magic of VR. It pulls you in from the moment you strap on the headset, immerses you for the duration of your experience, and leaves you with lasting impressions well after you take the headset off.

All the different realities are here, they're now, and they're not just for dancing with robots.

The best business XR use cases

Innovative employers are snapping up headsets, hiring more XR developers than exist, and leveraging XR to train, sell, and connect people.


  • Hazardous jobs
  • Healthcare and Medical jobs
  • Expensive or dangerous to train jobs
  • Difficult to train things, like soft skills such as firing an employee

Marketing and Sales

  • Showcasing products and services: boutique hotels, 3D VR commerce
  • Large or expensive products: boats, planes, industrial machinery
  • Cool experiences that drive brand awareness
  • See it in your home: Ikea and Amazon place a sofa
  • Sales calls and business development in VR instead of Zoom

Audi uses VR in their dealerships. Customers can configure their dream car in VR and see it right in front of them. Selling cars via VR has led to more sales and higher selling points than traditional sales. By experiencing their dream car VR customers buy more add-on features. Plus it's helped them maintain sales during the pandemic.

Virtual collaboration

  • Brainstorming/whiteboarding remotely
  • Team onboarding and initial training without flying or zoom. This is increasingly important in a remote world. See Accenture

The full post: XR explained in 5 minutes

2 crazy things ✌

🤖 Robotic arms

Just the craziest thing you'll see this week, by far.

👩‍🚀 NASA sci-fi video

Nasa dropped an epic sci-fi promo, check it out.

Does your company have XR on their roadmap?

Is your company using XR? Thinking about it? Why or why not?

Let me know. Just hit reply, I read and respond to everyone!

As always, if you think a friend would like Tuesday Trends, just forward them the email.

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Have an awesome week and see you next Tuesday!


AR is one of these very few profound technologies that we will look back on one day and say, how did we live our lives without it?… So I’m AR fan number one. I think it’s that big.
Tim Cook, CEO Apple

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